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What You Ought To Know About Termite Swarmers In Northwest Arkansas


Humans are superior to animals in many ways. We build large structures to live and work out of, we manufacture food in large quantities and sell it at easy to reach locations, we even make sports cars and other carefully tuned pieces of equipment. One thing we do efficiently is fly without the help of a piece of machinery. Do you know who can fly? Termites. Once a year, colonies of termites produce what are called swarmers. If you have never heard about this breed of pest, here is everything you ought to know. 

What Are Swarmers

Within each termite colony, there are soldiers, workers, and reproductives. Most reproductives are born without wings and living underground, breeding and assigning roles to new members. Once a year, however, colonies create winged reproductives that are capable of flying, breeding, and forming the basis of a new nest. As we head further into spring here in Northwest Arkansas, you may start to see these flying pests around. Identify a termite swarmer by its white, ant-like body and long translucent wings.

How To Identify Swarmers Without Seeing Them

Seeing a live swarmer is the best way to identify termites around your home; however, it is not the only way. Swarmers are also identifiable by the wings they leave behind. As these pests find areas to build their nests, they shed their wings nearby. These long, oval-shaped, translucent wings are commonly present on windowsills and other surfaces around homes. 

What Seeing Swarmers Inside Means For Your Home

Where you find swarmers is indicative of what risk your home is under. Finding these winged wood eaters outside looking in most likely means two things. There is a nest nearby, most likely within a mile of your property, and your home may come under attack soon. Finding these pests inside your home is much worse, as it most likely means your home is already infested.

The Damage Termites Cause

Although termite swarmers eat wood, they are not what you have to worry about. It is workers that will tunnel through your home and cause extensive damage over time. If a colony of termites establishes itself on your property, it is only a matter of time before serious structural problems occur. The good news is that it usually takes years for damage to become severe. The bad news is that termites are hard to identify and, on average, aren’t noticed until it is too late. 

Ways To Make Your Home Less Attractive To Swarmers

When swarmers evaluate a home, they look for certain things such as water damaged wood, organic debris, and suitable areas to start a nest. To make your property less attractive to these pests, here are a few preventative measures to try:

  • Repair or replace structural wood around your home that is water damaged.
  • Eliminate sources of water build up around your property.
  • Fix leaky piping and fixtures.
  • Make sure your gutters are working correctly.
  • Avoid using wood-based mulch near your home’s exterior.
  • Clean up organic debris, cardboard, and other wood-based clutter from your yard.
  • Use a dehumidifier indoors.

How Professional Termite Control Is Your Best Option

The best way to protect your home against swarmers is to invest in professional termite control courtesy of Rumble Pest Solutions. Our team of dedicated professionals has the tools, training, and tactics needed to identify, prevent, and eliminate troublesome termites effectively. 
Contact our team today to learn more about our comprehensive termite control options and find a solution that best fits your Northwest Arkansas property.
