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The Problem With Ladybugs On Your Northwest Arkansas Property


There are only a handful of pests that most people would consider innocent. Usually, dainty and visually beautiful critters are perceived as harmless. Being ugly or large, having fangs or a stinger, or carrying venom would put them out of the running for grace. In reality, having or not having these attributes doesn’t matter. Most creepy crawlers are troublesome, if not dangerous. 

Ladybugs are frequently deemed harmless. In some cultures, they are a symbol of good fortune. However, they can bring a lot of distress. Learn now what the possible risks are. Also, find out how you can avoid the havoc of ladybugs with Rumble Pest Solutions in Northwest Arkansas.

How Do Ladybugs Look & Behave? What Are the Hazards?

The average person would probably say that ladybugs are red, but they actually come in an array of colors. For instance, yellow, brown, orange, and black. Many are spotted with dark markings, but their patterns vary as well. What all subspecies have in common are two antennas, six legs, and rounded bodies 0.03 to 0.37 of an inch long. 
Ladybugs contribute to the environment by chewing up other insects that destroy garden plants and crops, such as:

  • Mites
  • Mealybugs
  • Aphids
  • Scale insects

While this is quite the plus, some classes of ladybugs still actively consume greenery. Even if these insects aren’t wrecking your landscaping, they can give you a headache. During warmer months, they target homes and businesses to locate shelter for cooler temperatures. If they find your place ideal, they’ll release an attracting chemical pheromone to help them identify the area. Dwellings that have a mixed color scheme of light and dark shades will be swarmed by ladybugs. These pests will also focus on structures that are exposed to the sun, and near woody or grassy zones.

Infestations can happen quickly and easily with ladybugs. They move in large numbers and can get past openings of any size. It will be obvious when they’ve taken over, as they’ll be around walls, ceilings, and structural voids. Further, their staining yellow secretions will be on surfaces. Outdoors, you’ll see them beneath rocks, leaves, landscape timbers, and other organic matter. These pests can bite and cause pain, but it won’t be lethal. The Asian lady beetle species, typically red or orange, is known to trigger allergic and asthmatic reactions.

What Can Be Done to Prevent Ladybugs?  

Given how climate and season can influence the behavior of ladybugs, it would behoove you to take part in preventative protocols throughout the year. These insects will settle in spaces that are challenging to reach. Then, they’ll surface in droves when the weather is comfortable for them. You have to stay ahead of them with these tasks: 

  • Doors that face the outside should have sweeps attached. 
  • Make sure that all window and door screens are in good condition. 
  • Patch up gaps in utilities, windows, doors, siding, foundations, and chimneys.
  • Have leaks and moisture breakdowns repaired right away. 
  • Sit flowers and plants two feet away from the property.
  • Routinely mow the lawn and trim greenery.
  • Flush out your gutters frequently. 
  • Cut down on your clutter. 
  • Put all food and trash in airtight containers. 
  • Wash dishes, vacuum, and take out the garbage often. 
  • Examine packages, bags, and greenery before pulling them indoors.

How Will Rumble Pest Solutions Handle Ladybugs?

With Rumble Pest Solutions, you’ll have access to quality and well-rounded care at an affordable price. We provide services for interiors and exteriors, and safe treatments that are industrial-grade. Options include monitoring and protective barrier solutions. Our technicians are highly trained and experienced. No aggravating ladybugs will survive once we’re done. Call us today at Rumble Pest Solutions for a free quote!
