Why Do I Have An Ant Problem?
Living together in extremely large colonies, ants work together to ensure the colony’s success. Worker ants leave the nest each day to forage for food and water. Our properties often offer them what they are looking for. Once they discover food, they will lay down a chemical pheromone trail to alert the rest of the colony.
Each day the workers will trail together to bring back food to the members back at the nest. Things like our gardens, trash cans, pet food, and outdoor eating areas attract foraging ants. Once they find a reliable food source, it is common for them to build a nesting site nearby, either outside or inside, to expand their colony.
Where Will I Find Ants?
Ants usually prefer to build their main nest outside in the ground in damp soil. Ants build nests under tree stumps, fallen trees, woodpiles, mulch, and under ground cover. Carpenter ants often nest inside water-damaged or decaying wood.
When nesting sites are near your home, it is most likely that at some point, ants will find a way into your home, possibly staying and creating a satellite nest. Ants usually build their indoor nests near moist areas. Walls voids near pipes or air conditioners are popular nesting spots. They will also nest inside structural wood, under floors, behind sinks and tubs, and behind cabinets and appliances.
If ants are in your home or yard, you are likely going to see them wandering over floors and counters, on decks, walkways, around trash cans, and through garden areas.
Ant Identification
What Are Ants?
Ants are easy for most home and business owners to identify because they are frequent visitors to our properties. Though ants tend to all look similar with three-body segments, narrow waists, bent antennae, and six legs, each species has unique behaviors, variations in appearance, and nesting habits.
Knowing which of Northwest Arkansas’s ants has found a way to your property is important to ensure they are correctly identified and eliminated. Examples of ants that we deal with regularly include:
- Argentine ants
- Pharaoh ants
- Pavement ants
- Odorous house ants
- Carpenter ants
- Big headed ants
- Crazy ants
Are Ants Dangerous?
While the majority of ants we come into contact with aren’t harmful to people, the reality is these creatures do spend a lot of time outside crawling around on the ground and over decaying organic matter. After finding their way into your home, they will contaminate food and surfaces with bacteria and other pathogens they encounter. Ants, no matter the species, are never a welcome sight in our homes.
Some ants are naturally more dangerous than others; take, for example, the carpenter ant. They don’t bite or sting, but they can cause significant structural damage inside a home they have decided to nest in. Carpenter ants often nest indoors, tunneling through and weakening structural wood.
Another example of a dangerous ant is the pharaoh ant; they habitually live indoors and are a significant problem in healthcare facilities where they invade IV’s and patient wounds seeking moisture.
How Do I Get Rid of Ants?
Eliminating ants is a tricky endeavor as they invade in large numbers and all their multiple nesting sites have to be found and treated. Remove ants from your home and yard and keep them from returning with the help of the experts at Rumble Pest Solutions of Arkansas. Our modern and effective pest control solutions will rid your home or business of pests, protecting your family and home from their dangers and damages.
We want to give you peace of mind in knowing your most important assets are being protected! To learn more about our effective pest control solutions, reach out to Rumble Pest Solutions of Arkansas today!
How Can I Prevent Ants In The Future?
The following tips will help you prevent ants from taking over your yard and home:
- Check your foundation for cracks or holes and seal any you find.
- Place weather-stripping around windows and doors and door sweeps under exterior doors.
- Place covers over vents and seal spaces around utilities entering your home.
- Reduce areas of moisture that attract ants by keeping gutters clear of debris, repairing leaky pipes, and using dehumidifiers.
- Take away their easy access to food by keeping lids on trash cans, cleaning up leftover food, and regularly sweeping and mopping your home.
- Remove tree stumps, fallen trees, rocks, and like items from your yard that could act as a place for ants to build a nest.
- Make sure to pick up any uneaten pet food each day and store pet food in hard-sided containers with locking lids.
Learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control solutions.
Call us today our Springdale, AK location (479) 349-2560, Springfield, MO Location (417) 551-6081, or our Jefferson City, MO Location 573-508-0277
“I would give him my highest recommendation.”- Catherine
“My representative Justin was very courteous he wasn't just about making a sale.”- Duane L.
“I really loved this company & they were easy to work with.”- Carol F.
“Zach truly went above and beyond my expectations to help with the mouse problem! Not only did he do a very thorough inspection he took the time to follow up and lay the necessary traps to take care of the problem.”- Alyssa L.
“I have used Rumble to control pests in and around my house since they opened an office in NWA.”- Kenny K.
“Jason and Brandon were always on time courteous and super friendly. I got more than just someone spraying pesticides. I was educated on protecting my home.”- Kami F.
“The technicians are always timely and professional. They are thorough and pleasant to deal with. They do a good job with treating the yard, eaves, and the inside of the house.”- Donna D.
“We absolutely love the company!”- Letha