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Quality Pest Solutions Spiders

Spider Identification 

What Are Spiders?

Spiders are arachnids, belonging to the same family as ticks and mites. All adults have eight jointed legs, two body parts, and most have between six and eight eyes. A hard exoskeleton covers their body and provides spiders with some protection. While each spider species' biology and habits differ, all spiders are predatory and feed on small insects. Spiders are often categorized by how they hunt, either by using a web that they create from the silk all spiders produce or by actively chasing after and hunting down prey. 

Are Spiders Dangerous?

Two of the most dangerous spiders living in Northwest Arkansas and across the country are the brown recluse spider and black widow spider. Both have venom strong enough to cause health risks in people and, therefore, unwanted in our yards and homes.

Most of the spiders that live outside and that we come across regularly are not a threat to us, and if a bite were to occur, while it may be painful, it doesn't pose serious health problems.

Bites from nuisance or dangerous spiders are rare because, by nature, spiders are solitary and reclusive and work hard to stay away from people. Spider bites are rare and usually occur accidentally.

Why Do I Have a Spider Problem?

Spiders live naturally in our yards, taking up residence in areas where there is plenty of insect activity, such as gardens, flower beds, lawns, and in trees and shrubbery.

Spiders are beneficial to the ecosystem, helping lower populations of nuisance garden pests and dangerous pests like mosquitoes and flies. 
Having spiders in our outdoor spaces is not bad, but when dangerous spiders move onto our properties or their populations explode, they become a problem. The more spiders living in your yard, the more likely they will end up inside your home.

Where Will I Find Spiders?

Spiders prefer to live outside, both on the ground or up off the ground. Burrowing spiders often live under decks, shrubs, woodpiles, and rocks. When spiders create webs up off the ground, they usually do so in trees, shrubs, under roof eaves, in play structures, or under furniture.

When spiders are inside your home, usually it's because they have followed their prey indoors. Spiders don't move inside to escape bad weather, but their insect prey does. Once inside, if there is plenty of food for them to feed on, they will stay. Spiders may also exploit openings leading into your home to find dark, sheltered spots to lay their eggs.

How Do I Get Rid Of Spiders?

Remove unwanted spiders from your Northwest Arkansas property with the help of a trained professional. No matter how helpful they may be, spiders shouldn't be allowed to take over our properties. At Rumble Pest Solutions of Arkansas, our professionals know how to find and safely remove nuisance and dangerous spiders. We can then prevent future problems with spiders and other pests through our quarterly pest control services.

Our mission is to protect your family, your home, and the environment! We want to give you peace of mind in knowing your most important assets are being protected! To learn more about protecting your property from spiders, reach out to us today! 

How Can I Prevent Spiders In The Future?

The following tips will help you prevent spiders from taking over your yard and home:

  • Install caps on chimneys and place covers over vents.
  • Seal spaces in the foundation and around windows and doors.
  • Place garden areas a distance away from your home.
  • Keep porch lights off as much as possible to prevent attracting insects to your home.
  • Inspect items stored outside like potted plants, furniture, or boxes for spiders and other critters before moving them back into your home.
  • Keep lids on trash cans and compost bins, and maintain gardens to keep foraging insects off your property.
  • Regularly clean under furniture, behind window shutters, inside vents, and in storage areas.

Learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control solutions.

Call us today our Springdale, AK location (479) 349-2560, Springfield, MO Location (417) 551-6081, or our Jefferson City, MO Location 573-508-0277

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